Thursday, March 12, 2009

Get to work.....

Ok, it looks like I have narrowed this thesis idea down. I will be tracking the first year of participants in the Texas Outdoor Family program, which should be close to 500 families. I will do an initial survey after August 1. I will get baseline data on their media and outdoor recreation habits and then will follow this group for the next three years or so. As we add social media tools to our website we will track their useage and determine what impact it has on their outdoor recreation habits.

I met with Chris Holmes and Walt Dabney this week, both were very enthusiastic about the idea. Chris told me they have good e-mail addresses on all participants (they send an e-mail after the event thanking them for participating...that's good). He also told me he's got an intern that is going to set up a facebook page for the program...that's good too.

Carter Smith was also very supportive. It's so nice to get such an encouraging word from the boss. It means a lot and reminds me how important it is to convey encouragement and support.

This semester I will work on the survey instrument and do a literature review. I need to figure out which communication theory will be the foundation of the paper. Both Royal and Rao suggested interactive theory. When I tried to pull that up on Texas State research database I got more than 7,000 abstracts! I tried several ways to narrow that down, to no avail. Will try again today and will seek further counsel if needed.

I also plan on reading lots of books on the topic. I am currently reading "Social Media is a Cocktail Party" and it's very good. Signed up to follow one of the author's blogs. (Yet more info to consume!)

So I now know what I will be spending a lot of free time on over the next couple of years. So now it's time to get to work.

Does anyone find it odd that for someone who makes their living in the outdoor recreation field, I have very little actual time to spend in the outdoors???

Life's Better Outside.....when you are not inside working or doing homework!!!!!

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